You probably know that Christian Voice aren't that keen on abortion. If you don't: Christian Voice aren't that keen on abortion. There, now you know.
Unsurprisingly, Christian Voice aren't (or weren't) overly happy about the conference on abortion that finished yesterday.
SO KILLING SOMEONE IS NOW A HUMAN RIGHT? - Link (bear in mind the page might have been updated)
The page on abortion starts with an abject lie:
Two journalists spoke at the event:
Well, whatever the truth is, you won't be finding it on the Christian Voice website. An example:
Still, Christian Voice's views aren't going to get anywhere if they continue to rant about the 'corporate blood-guilt of abortion'. What does that even mean?
Unsurprisingly, Christian Voice aren't (or weren't) overly happy about the conference on abortion that finished yesterday.
SO KILLING SOMEONE IS NOW A HUMAN RIGHT? - Link (bear in mind the page might have been updated)
The page on abortion starts with an abject lie:
"This page is for intelligent, open-minded people."Is it? Is it really? Regardless of their opinions on abortion, I imagine most intelligent and open-minded people would be somewhat scornful of this page, especially since it ends with a call to:
"Join us in ridding the scourge of abortion from our land, by praying and working for justice, righteousness and repentance."As you might have guessed, Christian Voice don't make much of an attempt to stay calm and objective. Here's an example:
"We shed the blood of innocents and wonder why our young people are shooting and knifing each other."Oh! Now it all makes sense. We have so much violent crime because of abortion. Nothing to do with poverty, etc. at all. It's the abortion. That's... just so wrong that I don't know where to begin. Ugh.
Two journalists spoke at the event:
"Also speaking at the pro-abortion conference are two journalists. Suzanne Moore, the Mail-on-Sunday columnist, is entitled to an opinion at odds with that paper's editorial stance, but Channel 4 newscaster Jon Snow should value more highly a reputation for impartiality. Way back in 1981 he received the 'Valiant for Truth' media award; sadly it looks as if he won't be quite as valiant in exposing the truth about abortion."So it's OK to support abortion if you write for a right-wing newspaper, but if you work for a pretty impartial news programme then it's 'sin, sin, sin'? That makes no sense whatsoever. And just what is the 'truth' about abortion?
Well, whatever the truth is, you won't be finding it on the Christian Voice website. An example:
Ironically, we now know so much about human development pre-birth that no intelligent, compassionate individual can deny that every child in the womb is a living, sentient human being.The earliest that brain stem activity has been detected is 54 days after conception, so not all foetuses are sentient, no. To be fair, it's not all misleading bullshit though:
From day one, at conception, before our cells even start dividing and specialising, all genetic information is laid down, from gender to blood group. It's sobering to think that each one of us is unique (even you, dear reader) and that we all started life like that. In Britain today, a quarter of us don't make it to birth.What does it mean, 'even you'? The statistic is actually correct, although badly worded - about 25% of pregnancies do end in abortion, which is food for thought.
Still, Christian Voice's views aren't going to get anywhere if they continue to rant about the 'corporate blood-guilt of abortion'. What does that even mean?