Sunday, December 16, 2007

More sin

More from the 'Britain in Sin' booklet. This time we'll be looking at what Christian Voice/Steven Green has to say about the Ninth Commandment and its relation to British law. The commandment, in case you don't know them by heart, is "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour".

Green isn't keen on the standard of proof of "beyond reasonable doubt". Apparently, the use of this standard of proof means "that one witness was more plausible than another. It is not a just system at all, and has resulted in unjust convictions". Upon reading this I instantly thought Green was on dubious ground. "Beyond reasonable doubt" is a very high standard. His further comments did little to convince me.
In 1995, a lorry driver convicted of killing his disabled baby step-daughter on flawed forensic evidence from a Home Office pathologist alone was able to prove his innocence, three years after his conviction and imprisonment. (Times 30/03/95) [emphasis added]
I've read the article this comment is based on. In no part of the article is the original forensic evidence described as 'flawed'. Additionally, the article reads: "He was convicted mainly on the evidence of... a Home Office pathologist [emphasis added]". I'd suggest that that's a distinct discrepancy between the article and Mr. Green's description of it. Of course it's poor that an innocent man was imprisoned for three years but it's impossible to have a system with no miscarriages of justice and he was freed in the end. Onto the next case he describes:
In another case, a father accused of sexually assaulting his daughter after she claimed to recall incidents from her childhood was freed by a court when the prosecution admitted that the memories were fictitious and had emerged during psychiatric counselling. The prosecution had no other evidence at all. The daughter was mentally disturbed and prone to sexual fantasies. The man had to wait 17 months before the case came to court and he was exonerated. With Biblical standards of evidence understood all round he would never have been arrested. (Times 29/03/95)
But the man was exonerated. What's the problem? If you had to prove that someone committed an offence before even arresting them, then what's the point of having a trial? "Beyond reasonable doubt" doesn't even apply to arrest. What is the relevance of this story?
Let it be clear that there could be no re-introduction of the death penalty without sound conviction according to the Law of God. God hates the conviction of the innocent just as much as the acquittal of the guilty. There is a stark contrast here with present liberal judicial practice. By following the principles set out by Almighty God, fewer people would be convicted of capital crimes, but those who were would face the ultimate penalty.
Absolute shite. You simply cannot have a system where it is required that someone's guilt be proved with 100% certainty. Every solitary defendant would be acquitted. If you don't require mathematical certainty and you have capital punishment then sooner or later an innocent person will end up being killed.
Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 1976, Criminal Justice Act 1988 S158

The 1976 Act gave both the accuser and the defendant in rape cases anonymity. Section 158 of the 1988 Act abolished the anonymity of defendants. In a number of recent cases, lying women have hidden behind the cloak of anonymity to make false accusations, whilst those they accuse have endured full publicity. Nor have the false accusers been subsequently charged with perjury. Feminist presumption is that all men are born sinful, but all women virtuous. The law should show no such partiality.
Possible fair point, bar the rubbish about feminism.
Section 40 of the [Road Traffic Act 1991] allowed road traffic authorities to set up cameras to trap motorists committing traffic offences. It can be argued that these are an infringement of civil liberty, to which the reply would be that their presence saves lives. What is undeniable is that the vast majority of notices erected along the highway which depict a camera, or warn of "police enforcement cameras," bear false witness. The highly expensive camera in many cases is not there at all. It may be that no camera box is there, or just an empty box, or just the flashing light. The whole of the law is diminished when, by law, the state does evil hoping that good may come.
Oh please.

I should point out in the interest of fairness that I've cherry-picked bits from the section of the booklet, but it's reasonably long, and I simply don't have time to go around researching a load of random bits of law in order to be able to comment properly. Mr. Green does have a shockingly poor knowledge of what he's writing about a good deal of the time though, the "beyond reasonable doubt" examples above displaying a particularly high level of ignorance.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

It's OK To Rape Your Wife

I was flicking through 'Britain in Sin', a book[let] thing you can get on the Christian Voice website here, when I found this gem about the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994:
It introduced an offence of "marital rape", drafted by the Law Commission, unknown in the Law of God, and in conflict with the marriage service of the Book of Common Prayer, where the promises given by a man and woman to each other establish a binding consent to sexual intercourse.

This makes the following quotes from people supporting the booklet pretty scary:

"Stephen Green, National Director of Christian Voice, has made a meaningful attempt to analyse the cause of Britain 's current moral decline. The list of unrighteous laws passed during the last 50 years is particularly helpful; indeed, it would be a miracle if we were not in decline, having passed so much legislation which is directly contrary to Scripture."
Lord Ashbourne
EDIT: From the comments - "I need to update this entry, as it appears Lord Ashbourne is Christian Voice's patron which kind of reduces the meaningfulness of his quote. I thought he was just some random person of standing".

"This makes interesting and disturbing reading. We desperately need to understand, as a nation, that our Creator knows what is best for us, and to return to His way as the best way to live."
Rt Rev Wallace Benn, Bishop of Lewes

Well done for supporting marital rape, you utter cunts.


I have not updated my blogs for far too long. Sorry about that, I've been somewhat busy.

Anyway, the abortion conference mentioned in previous posts took place, and Christian Voice commented on the day itself. Apparently Christian Voice carried out a 'successful lobbying' - although I somehow doubt that everyone there decided to denounce abortion as evil).


Leaflets were handed out to attendees. Apparently it was 'sad to see so many African and Asian faces and hear Eastern European accents', although I'm not quite sure why.

Steven Green's apparently cynical about reformation on the law of abortion, stating that we should 'expect all the effort being put into reducing the [number of] weeks [abortion is allowed] to result in nothing, or maybe just a two-week reduction, with massive further liberalisation including just one doctor's signature instead of two, and the legalisation of DIY back-street abortion kits.'

Yeah... back-street abortion kits. That's... really going to happen. I mean... surely having Steven Green as PM would encourage the proliferation of these back-street abortion kits, what with abortion being totally illegal under his crazy far-right control.

After a bizarre passage comparing the abolition of slavery with the potential abolition of abortion, we find that Jon Snow didn't attend the conference after all, pulling out 'after being inundated by critical emails, saying he would be "out of the country"'. Since when did Christian Voice have access to Jon Snow's inbox? Because being inundated by e-mails from one person (Steven Green), isn't really a point of interest at all.

And that's that.

Oh, and if you want to see some very selective quoting from the Koran and the Bible, look here: link.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Christian Voice On Islam

"A mosque is regarded as an abomination in the sight of Almighty God... Because Islam is a rival religion, one which rejects the God-incarnate, crucified, risen, ascended Messiah and Son of God the Lord Jesus Christ, a mosque is an abomination wherever in the world it is placed."
"When a person worships a god who is not the true God, they are worshipping and empowering unseen principalities and powers that have already been defeated by Christ on the cross. This is exactly what happens in a mosque. When Muslims go into a mosque and bow down before their false god, ‘Allah’ (‘the god’ in Arabic) they are engaging in idol worship without realizing it. It is only necessary to look at the symbol of Islam, the crescent moon, to realize the identity of the real spirit behind Islam. It follows that a mosque is a place where demonic principalities and powers are glorified. The God of the Bible is the only Creator and Almighty God, not ‘Allah’, the god of Islam."
And I thought Christian Voice were such nice people! Fucking hell, doing this blog can be depressing at times...

Sunday, November 4, 2007


Wasn't intending on doing another post, but I was clicking around the Christian Voice website and discovered this:
The rainbow and the ‘rainbow sash’ have become the international symbol of ‘diversity’. Sexuality is a spectrum, according to the thinking, and can encompass ‘straight’, ‘gay’, ‘bisexual’, or ‘transsexual’. When a rainbow in a bold semi-circular design appears in a school classroom alarm bells should ring in parents’ minds. The rainbow sign means that the school is pushing homosexual rights under the guise of making that classroom a ‘safe’ place for ‘gay children’.
Or it could just mean that the kids have been, y'know, learning about rainbows and the teacher thought it'd be a good opportunity to get the coloured paint out and decorate the classroom a bit.

Shriti Vadera And The Abortion Conference

Christian Voice are upset because Shriti Vadera, aka. Baroness Vadera, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for International Development, has attended a conference on safe abortion.


There's some guff about the Government taking sides (which they may or may not have a point about, I don't really care) but then Steven Green comes out with this:
'It is especially disturbing to have a Government spokeswoman of Indian origin supporting abortion on demand given the abuses of abortion in India. Selective foeticide has resulted in a gender imbalance of 80 girls being born for every 100 boys. Clearly the Hindu dowry system is partly to blame, but abortion on demand in India is the evil which allows such an injustice to be done. For Shriti Vadera to go and support abortion on demand knowing about the misogyny it encourages in India is simply callous.'
Raised in India? Well then, the Indian abortion issue's entirely on your shoulders then! Ugh...

Friday, November 2, 2007

Dawkins Can't Blaspheme

Christian Voice have taken a year - a whole year - to discover that Richard Dawkins is corrupting 'children' by encouraging them to blaspheme.


I can't be bothered to explain the details, so I'll get Christian Voice to do it for me:
"On the campaigning atheist has republished 'the blasphemy challenge' by a youth group calling itself 'Rational Responders'.

The idea, which dates from December 2006, is that anyone who blasphemes the Holy Spirit on video on YouTube is rewarded with a free copy of a DVD called 'The God Who Wasn't There'."
Yes, that's right, last year Richard Dawkins' website regurgitated a press release from another website. What a fuss over nothing. Oh, by the way, if you want to see the offending article on Dawkins' website you can look at it here.

"[T]he campaign claims to go further than foster renunciations of belief. It 'encourages participants to commit what Christian doctrine calls the only unforgivable sin - blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.'"
At this point Stephen Green gets into a bit of a tizzy (notice how he assumes that Dawkins' regurgitating something is tantamount to him endorsing it):
"Dawkins thinks that by encouraging young people to blaspheme the Holy Spirit he can keep them out of the Kingdom of God, a Kingdom of a God in whom he claims not to believe.

A superficial look at Luke 12:10 would appear to indicate that speaking a word against the Holy Spirit is enough to commit the said blasphemy and remain unforgiven, but Matthew 12:22-32 and Mark 3:20-30 set the Lord's remark in context.

To blaspheme the Holy Spirit, it is necessary to ascribe Jesus's casting out of a demon to Satan rather than to the Holy Spirit. Some would say it was only relevant during our Lord's time on earth and such a sin can not now be committed. It is certainly clear from the text that the Lord's fire, as it were, was turned on a group of unbelieving Pharisees who were watching the event.

However we read the passage, merely saying 'I deny the Holy Spirit' doesn't come close to what the Pharisees did and would appear to be entirely forgivable. It is not actually blaspheming the Holy Spirit. The crucial point however, is that Richard Dawkins thinks it is, and that he is trying to convince young people in particular to commit a sin against a God in whom he does not believe and for them to surmise they will never be forgiven by the same God whom he says does not exist."
I'm sure Richard Dawkins gives a massive shit about that.

Honestly though, it's the Richard Dawkins' website copy-and-pasting a press release. Get over it.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Shame On You, John Snow!

You probably know that Christian Voice aren't that keen on abortion. If you don't: Christian Voice aren't that keen on abortion. There, now you know.

Unsurprisingly, Christian Voice aren't (or weren't) overly happy about the conference on abortion that finished yesterday.

SO KILLING SOMEONE IS NOW A HUMAN RIGHT? - Link (bear in mind the page might have been updated)

The page on abortion starts with an abject lie:
"This page is for intelligent, open-minded people."
Is it? Is it really? Regardless of their opinions on abortion, I imagine most intelligent and open-minded people would be somewhat scornful of this page, especially since it ends with a call to:
"Join us in ridding the scourge of abortion from our land, by praying and working for justice, righteousness and repentance."
As you might have guessed, Christian Voice don't make much of an attempt to stay calm and objective. Here's an example:
"We shed the blood of innocents and wonder why our young people are shooting and knifing each other."
Oh! Now it all makes sense. We have so much violent crime because of abortion. Nothing to do with poverty, etc. at all. It's the abortion. That's... just so wrong that I don't know where to begin. Ugh.

Two journalists spoke at the event:
"Also speaking at the pro-abortion conference are two journalists. Suzanne Moore, the Mail-on-Sunday columnist, is entitled to an opinion at odds with that paper's editorial stance, but Channel 4 newscaster Jon Snow should value more highly a reputation for impartiality. Way back in 1981 he received the 'Valiant for Truth' media award; sadly it looks as if he won't be quite as valiant in exposing the truth about abortion."
So it's OK to support abortion if you write for a right-wing newspaper, but if you work for a pretty impartial news programme then it's 'sin, sin, sin'? That makes no sense whatsoever. And just what is the 'truth' about abortion?

Well, whatever the truth is, you won't be finding it on the Christian Voice website. An example:
Ironically, we now know so much about human development pre-birth that no intelligent, compassionate individual can deny that every child in the womb is a living, sentient human being.
The earliest that brain stem activity has been detected is 54 days after conception, so not all foetuses are sentient, no. To be fair, it's not all misleading bullshit though:
From day one, at conception, before our cells even start dividing and specialising, all genetic information is laid down, from gender to blood group. It's sobering to think that each one of us is unique (even you, dear reader) and that we all started life like that. In Britain today, a quarter of us don't make it to birth.
What does it mean, 'even you'? The statistic is actually correct, although badly worded - about 25% of pregnancies do end in abortion, which is food for thought.

Still, Christian Voice's views aren't going to get anywhere if they continue to rant about the 'corporate blood-guilt of abortion'. What does that even mean?

Evil Gays Defile Zoo

Those gays have a fucking nerve, eh? Not only do they perform sinful acts with each other, they - get this - have parties in zoos as well! The bastards!

The party I refer to is London Zoo's 'Gay Sunday' event, which predictably attracted the wrath of everyone's favourite Christian organisation, Christian Voice.


Christian Voice was outraged by the fact that gay people - or 'homosexuals', as they are constantly referred to, because, y'know, it's always good to faintly suggest that someone's sexuality makes them a mental - got a discount and some extra stuff at the event.

In fact the 20% discount really pissed them off, with Christian Voice describing it as 'staggering'. Yup, that's right, staggering. Let's look up 'staggering' in the OED, shall we? "lit. Reeling, tottering, etc". That's right, there's someone out there in the big wide world who has been left reeling - reeling - because some people have got a 20% discount. Christian Voice themselves state this is a saving of £1.45 - an huge sum, capable of eradicating third world debt. No wonder they're pissed off, eh?

Here's a quote from the press release, possibly my favourite bit:
"Incredibly, by paying less, the gays got more. The ordinary punter didn't have an exclusive garden party or a barbecue - they had to queue for their overpriced food and drink with everyone else."
You've got to love the use of the word 'incredible', as if the event were the most shocking thing on Earth, and not just some gays (oops, I meant 'homosexuals') in a zoo.

Posters were put up at London Zoo, which might have acted as a warning to those with children to avoid Sunday 16th altogether. A picture in the press last week showed that Guy the Gorilla was somewhat under-impressed by the posters.
Well, if Christian Voice have the support of an ape then they must be right! Ugh...

There were also some pictures with captions that were amusing and yet disturbing at the same time. Have a look:


By the way, if you've read my other blog, this entry might seem a bit familiar. That's because it's largely been inspired by this post. Future posts on here will be original. And... well, that's all for this time.