Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Christian Voice On Islam

"A mosque is regarded as an abomination in the sight of Almighty God... Because Islam is a rival religion, one which rejects the God-incarnate, crucified, risen, ascended Messiah and Son of God the Lord Jesus Christ, a mosque is an abomination wherever in the world it is placed."
"When a person worships a god who is not the true God, they are worshipping and empowering unseen principalities and powers that have already been defeated by Christ on the cross. This is exactly what happens in a mosque. When Muslims go into a mosque and bow down before their false god, ‘Allah’ (‘the god’ in Arabic) they are engaging in idol worship without realizing it. It is only necessary to look at the symbol of Islam, the crescent moon, to realize the identity of the real spirit behind Islam. It follows that a mosque is a place where demonic principalities and powers are glorified. The God of the Bible is the only Creator and Almighty God, not ‘Allah’, the god of Islam."
And I thought Christian Voice were such nice people! Fucking hell, doing this blog can be depressing at times...

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